Sunday, May 20, 2012

Prosecutor Say Domestic Terrorist Charged In Chicago

They apparently came to Chicago late last month to take part in May Day protests. Six others arrested Wednesday in the raid were released Friday without being charged. Chicago police Lt. Kenneth Stoppa declined to elaborate on the case CHICAGO (Reuters) - Chicago police trying to keep the peace during the NATO summit may face their biggest test on Sunday when thousands of demonstrators were expected to march near the site where leaders of the military alliance .Chicago White Sox - INSIDE PITCH There are few players the Sox cannot be without, and Paul Konerko is one of them. That's why the Sox were holding their breath Friday after

Konerko was hit on the left side of his face by a Jeff Kerry Wood had planned to pitch a full and successful season for the Cubs this year. Even though it didn't turn out that way, Wood made the best of it as he walked away from the game his own way. Reports surfaced early Friday that Wood had planned to When the owners of the Chicago Board of Trade wanted to expand trading from 17 hours to 22, normally sedate agricultural organizations did imitations of the frenzied cries from the trading pits. Local grain traders and processors said they needed more Pictures have surfaced from an ABC affiliate based in Chicago that aired an interview with Metta World Peace back on May 14. However, the title given to World Peace on the screen was anything but flattering. According to Deadspin, and

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