Friday, March 2, 2012

Arsenal's Premier League Trip to Liverpool Previewed

Arsenal managed a fantastic come-from-behind victory against local rivals Spurs last week to win their third Premier League game in a row. That victory saw Arsenal hold on to fourth place in the Premier League thanks to the fact they have scored more goals than Chelsea. It also meant they managed to close the gap on Spurs to seven points, and give them a slight chance of catching their local rivals.Back open early Saturday morning for the 7:45am tilt between Liverpool and Arsenal. Liverpool was able to pull a League Cup out of it’s ass with a win in penalties over Cardiff City last Sunday. But the financial rewards for taking 4th place in the EPL are even

greater, as a spot in the UEFA Champions League is on the line, making the Liverpool vs. Arsenal match this weekend another key match in the 4 way feces fight for 4th place between Arsenal, Chelsea, Newcastle, and Liverpool. Say hi to Dave when you stop in.

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